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Richard Goldstone the sequel

Mijn advies voor iedereen is zowel het opiniestuk van Richard Goldstone te lezen, als het McGowan Davis-rapport dat Goldstone in zijn stuk noemt. Hier zijn mijn conclusies:

HP / De Tijd, HET PAROOL en Likoed citeren Goldstone en beweren dat Goldstone zegt dat er geen oorlogsmisdaden door Israël zijn gepleegd, omdat Goldstone zou zeggen dat Israël burgers niet opzettelijk heeft beschoten. Dit is onjuist.

Ten eerste:
Goldstone zegt nergens dat Israël geen oorlogsmisdaden heeft gepleegd. Want zelfs als Israël geen burgers met opzet zou hebben beschoten, het volgt daaruit niet dat Israël geen oorlogsmisdaden zou hebben gepleegd. Immers er zijn veel meer soorten oorlogmisdaden behalve het bewust beschieten van burgers. Voor een mogelijk aantal zie mijn blog.

Ten tweede:
Goldstone zegt nergens dat Israël geen burgers met opzet heeft beschoten. Hij zegt slechts dat de onderzoeken van het Israëlische leger suggereren dat er geen beleid was om burgers te beschieten: “the investigations published by the Israeli military… indicate that civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy.”

Sterker nog, het is onduidelijk hoe Goldstone zou weten dat er geen beleid was om burgers te beschieten, want de onderzoekers van het Israëlische leger hebben de leidingevenden niet ondervraagd. En de commissie McGowan Davis kreeg van Israël geen toestemming om deze te ondervragen, noch onderzoek binnen Israël en de bezette gebieden te doen.

Wat Goldstone over het rapport McGowan Davis zegt, is in strijd met wat in het rapport staat.

Een voorbeeld over de familie al-Simouni. Goldstone schrijft:

For example, the most serious attack the Goldstone Report focused on was the killing of some 29 members of the al-Simouni family in their home. The shelling of the home was apparently the consequence of an Israeli commander’s erroneous interpretation of a drone image, and an Israeli officer is under investigation for having ordered the attack. While the length of this investigation is frustrating, it appears that an appropriate process is underway, and I am confident that if the officer is found to have been negligent, Israel will respond accordingly. The purpose of these investigations, as I have always said, is to ensure accountability for improper actions, not to second-guess, with the benefit of hindsight, commanders making difficult battlefield decisions.

En in het rapport staat absoluut iets anders:

The Committee does not have sufficient information to establish the current status of the on-going criminal investigations into the killings of Ateya and Ahmad Samouni, the attack on the Wa’el al-Samouni house and the shooting of Iyad Samouni. This is of considerable concern: reportedly 24 civilians were killed and 19 were injured in the related incidents on 4 and 5 January 2009. Furthermore, the events may relate both to the actions and decisions of soldiers on the ground and of senior officers located in a war room, as well as to broader issues implicating the rules of engagement and the use of drones. There are also reports indicating that the MAG’s decision to investigate was opposed by the then Head of the IDF Southern Command. Media reports further inform that a senior officer, who was questioned “under caution” and had his promotion put on hold, told investigators that he was not warned that civilians were at the location. However, some of those civilians had been ordered there by IDF soldiers from that same officer’s’ unit and air force officers reportedly informed him of the possible presence of civilians. Despite allegedly being made aware of this information, the officer apparently approved air strikes that killed 21 people and injured 19 gathered in the al-Samouni house. Media sources also report that the incident has been described as a legitimate interpretation of drone photographs portrayed on a screen and that the special command investigation, initiated ten months after the incidents, did not conclude that there had been anything out of the ordinary in the strike. As of 24 October 2010, according to media reports, no decision had been made as to whether or not the officer would stand trial. The same officer who assertedly called in the strike reportedly insisted that ambulances not enter the sector under his control, fearing attempts to kidnap soldiers.

Lees zijn opiniestuk en het rapport en vergelijk. Voor de luie mensen, hier zijn de conclusies uit het rapport:

Although the Committee was able to access official information detailing the progress of some investigations by the Israeli authorities since September 2010, it relied largely on media reports and other secondary sources to inform its deliberations. The Israeli authorities’ refusal to allow the Committee access to Israel and the West Bank, and access to Gaza through Israel, significantly constrained the Committee’s ability to engage with key interlocutors.

That said, the Committee finds that Israel has dedicated significant resources to investigate over 400 allegations of operational misconduct in Gaza reported by the FFM and others. Given the scale of this undertaking, it is unsurprising that in 2011, much remains to be accomplished. The Committee is able to report that, to the best of its knowledge, nineteen investigations into the serious violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law reported by the FFM have been completed by the Israeli authorities with findings that no violations were committed. Two inquiries were discontinued for different reasons. Three investigations led to disciplinary action. Six investigations reportedly remain open, including one in which criminal charges have been brought against an Israeli soldier. The status of possible investigations into six additional incidents remains unclear.

Furthermore, Israel has launched fourteen investigations into incidents related to alleged violations in the West Bank. Of those, two criminal indictments have been filed, six investigations are ongoing and six cases were closed without charges. The Committee did not receive any information concerning any other investigation of alleged violations committed in the West Bank, nor to investigations related to persons detained in Israel.

The Committee reiterates the conclusion of its previous report that there is no indication that Israel has opened investigations into the actions of those who designed, planned, ordered and oversaw Operation Cast Lead.

However, the Committee notes the work of the Turkel Commission and its probing of some decisions and policies adopted by high-level officials in Israel. The Commission was able to interview and actively question high-level officials, including the Prime Minister, the Defense Minister, the Chief of General Staff, and the Chief Military Advocate, and examined questions related to the legality and the enforcement of the blockade on Gaza, as well as the question of whether the impact of the land crossings policy constitutes collective punishment. The Committee concludes that a public commission constitutes one of the mechanisms that Israel could use to assess high-level operational and legal decisions concerning the execution of the military operation in Gaza.

Concerns related to transparency and the participation of victims and witnesses in investigations reported by the Committee in its previous report continue to be relevant. NGOs, victims and their legal representatives have difficulty accessing information about progress in investigations. They report that the majority of their requests for information go unanswered. The Committee is of the view that transparency and participation help build the confidence of victims and other interested parties in the investigation process, including fostering a sense that credible and genuine investigations are taking place.

The Committee has strong reservations respecting the promptness of some investigations of individual incidents referred to by the FFM. More than one-third of the 36 incidents in Gaza are still unresolved or unclear. The status of investigations into incidents in Israel and the West Bank is also unclear. Presumably this serious issue respecting the ability of the military justice system promptly to investigate allegations of wrongdoing during military operations is under careful review by the Turkel Commission.

Finally, the Committee is concerned about the fact that the duration of the ongoing investigations into the allegations contained in the FFM report — over two years since the end of the Gaza operation – could seriously impair their effectiveness and, therefore, the prospects of ultimately achieving accountability and justice. [mijn vet]

Lees, vergelijk en entertain jezelf.

Geredigeerd door Pascale Esveld
Published inUncategorized


  1. Mihai Mihai

    Richard Goldstone did not Retract the Report
    William A. Schabas

    It is being widely reported that Richard Goldstone has retracted the allegations in the report of the Commission he chaired into Operation Cast Lead, the Israeli attack on Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009.

    I have read Richard Goldstone’s statement in the Washington Post. While the tone is certainly more indulgent towards Israel, I do not see it as a retraction of the primary allegations in the report.

    The central element in Judge Goldstone’s statement in the Washington Post last Friday is his conclusion, based upon information he says was not available when the Commission issued its Report, that ‘civilians were not intentionally targeted [by Israel] as a matter of policy’.

    The discussion of intentional targeting of civilians was only one component of the Report and, in my view, it was never at the core of the Commission’s conclusions. It is discussed in paragraphs 704-885 of the 1,979 paragraph report. It consists of one heading among thirteen dealing with violations of international law perpetrated by Israel. Israel is now calling upon the Human Rights Council to retract the Report. Even if it were to retract paragraphs 704-885 of the Report, this would change nothing about the fundamental conclusions of the Commission.

    In the Report, the Commission examined eleven incidents of alleged intentional targeting of civilians. I have reread the Commission’s Report in light of Judge Goldstone’s statement. I do not believe that the Commission ever alleged that there was an Israeli policy of intentionally targeting civilians. The furthest it goes, I think, is to talk of a ‘low threshold for the use of lethal fire against the civilian population’ (para. 44), which is not the same thing as intentionally targeting civilians. Judge Goldstone could not retract a conclusion that the Commission did not make.

    We are talking here of targeting in terms of firing upon civilians in order to kill them. Elsewhere in the Report, the Commission speaks of various other measures that were aimed at civilians, but I do not read Judge Goldstone’s statement last Friday as being a reference to this part of the Report.

    There are a couple of ambiguous passages in the Report that might be taken as a charge that Israel intentionally targeted civilians for killing. Thus, at para. 1215, it says that ‘disproportionate destruction and violence against civilians were part of a deliberate policy’. Similarly, at para. 1887, it refers to ‘a deliberate policy of disproportionate force aimed not at the enemy but at the “supporting infrastructure.” In practice, this appears to have meant the civilian population.’

    But these statements have to be read in the context of the entire report. It is a condemnation of the attacks upon the civilian infrastructure and the objective of Cast Lead, which was to punish the civilian population. For example, para. 1884: ‘In this respect, the operations were in furtherance of an overall policy aimed at punishing the Gaza population for its resilience and for its apparent support for Hamas, and possibly with the intent of forcing a change in such support.’ Judge Goldstone did not in any way retract this part of the Report.

    At various points, the Report speaks of Israeli policy and its impact upon civilians. Thus, at para.1027, it notes the ‘overall policy of disproportionate destruction of a significant part of Gaza’s infrastructure’. Also, at para. 1891: ‘1891. the destruction of food supply installations, water sanitation systems, concrete factories and residential houses was the result of a deliberate and systematic policy by the Israeli armed forces. It was not carried out because those objects presented a military threat or opportunity, but to make the daily process of living, and dignified living, more difficult for the civilian population.’

    None of these conclusions of the Report are at all affected by Judge Goldstone’s statement in the Washington Post.

    The analysis of the Goldstone Report referred to the so-called ‘Dahiya Doctrine’ that was developed in Lebanon in 2006. It consists of brutal counter-attack that in effect punishes civilians. In this respect, the Report cited Israeli foreign minister Tsipi Livni, at para. 1206, who said: ‘Israel is not a country upon which you fire missiles and it does not respond. It is a country that when you fire on its citizens it responds by going wild – and this is a good thing.’ Also, Deputy chief of staff, Maj. Gen. Dan Harel, who said (para. 1212):

    “This operation is different from previous ones. We have set a high goal which we are aiming for. We are hitting not only terrorists and launchers, but also the whole Hamas government and all its wings. […] We are hitting government buildings, production factories, security wings and more. We are demanding governmental responsibility from Hamas and are not making distinctions between the various wings. After this operation there will not be one Hamas building left standing in Gaza, and we plan to change the rules of the game.”

    In his statement last Friday, Richard Goldstone also noted the final report of the follow-up commission chaired by Judge McGowan David, which found that Israel had devoted significant resources to investigate allegations of misconduct, whereas Hamas had done nothing. He said he shares the concerns of the McGowan Davis report that few of Israel’s inquiries have been concluded.

    Richard Goldstone’s statement is being greeted with glee in Israel and dismay in Palestine. The extent of what he said should not be misunderstood. He did not repudiate the substance of the Report nor did he cast doubt on most of its conclusions, which are very damning.

    It has always been my view that the reaction to Cast Lead was distorted by a focus on violations of international humanitarian law. Both Israel and Hamas write their own rules in this respect, and both sides are in the wrong. That obvious fact emerges from the Goldstone Report. But the real issue, and the real reason why there was such outrage about Cast Lead, is that after more than sixty years the Palestinian people are still being denied their right to self-determination. The conflict in Gaza brings with it terrible human suffering but it is a sideshow to the main act. The violations of humanitarian law are unacceptable, but they should not distract the focus from Palestinian self-determiantion.

    My earnest hope is that the current turmoil in the Middle East will be a catalyst. The autocratic regimes in the Arab countries are an anachronistic blot on the world. Their days are clearly numbered. That will leave only one anachronistic blot on the region left to be resolved.

  2. De meest vergaande beschuldiging die destijds de wereld over ging was dat het merendeel van de slachtoffers burgers waren en dat Israel die welbewust had gedood. Dat was dus onzin, zoals Israel vanaf het begin heeft gezegd.

  3. Mihai Mihai


    Wie heeft die beschuldigingen gedaan? Trouwens, volgens B’Tselem waren er twee keer zoveel burgers gedood dan strijders. En elke dode is een te veel, want Israel bezet het land van anderen. Extra mensen doden is zoals ik in jou huis zou inbreken en nog een paar mensen zou vermoorden.

  4. Peit de Fries Peit de Fries

    Wat een verspilde moeite, Leukoed ergens van proberen te overtuigen.
    Israel vermoordt dagelijks Palestijnen, lang niet altijd halen die moorden het westerse nieuws. brengt dat natuurlijk groot, dat doen ze ook met aanslagen en repressailles in Afghanistan en Pakistan.
    Deze zender bericht ook dagelijks over het vermoorden van opstandelingen, ze hebben de euvele moed democratie te willen, in Bahrein.
    Saudie Arabische troepen helpen daarbij, dè angst van de zelfbenoemde internationale gemeenschap is dat ook dat land democratie wil.
    Het Pentagon is nu al van mening dat de Libische oorlog er één te veel is, de VS heeft een twee oorlogen strategie.
    Scott Ritter zei het al lang geleden ‘how do you fight a billion people ?”.
    Iedereen met een beetje belangstelling weet dat Bush jr PNAC 1993 van AEI in uitvoering nam met de 11 sept show, AEI is joodse de club die ook Hirsi Ali inhuurde voor anti Islam propaganda.
    Waar het om gaat is zionisten etc. duidelijk te maken dat ze hun eigen glazen aan het ingooien zijn, of al allemaal ingegooid hebben, opnieuw, zou ik zeggen, sinds de opstanden tegen de Romeinen, op wereldschaal.
    Dat is ook in ons belang, Israel heeft een 200 atoomkoppen, en kan via Duitse onderzeeërs, ze hebben er vijf, meen ik, en zelfgebouwde kruisraketten elke hoofdstad in de wereld raken.
    Martin Van Crefeld, Israelisch historicus, hoop dat ik de naam goed spel, bedreigde ons er mee.
    Niet voor niets bepleit Gilad Atzmon collectieve psychotherapie voor alle joden.
    Hoe gek die zíjn mag er uit blijken dat het 4 en 5 mei comitë nu alle A’damse huizen waar ooit joden woonden van plakkaten willen voorzien, alsof het iemand interesseert behalve henzelf.
    Misschien hopen ze dat de afkeer van de schurkenstaat er door vermindert, ijdele hoop, lijkt me.
    Ik las net bij Samuel dat zelfs Weizmann zich een keer ‘versprak’, Palestina Palestijnenrein.
    Daar hebben ze zich toch goed mee in de vingers gesneden, joden zijn niet zo slim als de zelf denken.

  5. Jan Jan

    Ter informatie:

    In ‘The Jewish State By Theodor Herzl’ vermeld het principe ‘negotiorum gestio’.
    Uiteraard is het ook toe te passen op Palestina. Waarbij de gestor zaken waarneemt voor de onderdrukte personen wiens bezttingen in gevaar verkeren kan. In casu de Palestijnen.

    “The Romans, with their marvellous sense of justice, produced that noble masterpiece, the negotiorum gestio. When the property of an oppressed person is in danger, any man may step forward to save it. This man is the gestor, the director of affairs not strictly his own. He has received no warrant — that is, no human warrant; higher obligations authorize him to act. The higher obligations may be formulated in different ways for the State, and so as to respond to individual degrees of culture attained by a growing general power of comprehension. The gestio . is intended to work for the good of the dominus — the people, to whom the gestor himself belongs.”

  6. spammer spammer

    The Rt. Hon. Viscount Samuel. P.C., G.C.B., G.B.E., Hon. D.C.L. (Oxford). Hon. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford, ‘Memoirs’, London, 1945.

    HF XV, Palestine, A State in de Building: 1925-5.
    Pag 168.
    And as a Jew, I would have counted it a shame to the Jewish people if thr renewal of their life in the ancient land of Israel would be marked by hardship, expropriation, injustice of any kind, for the people now in the land, whose forbears had tilled the soil and dwelt in the towns for a thousand years. Nothing could be worse than if it were to appear that the one thing the Jewish people had learnt from the centuries of their own oppression was the way to oppress others. ……

    The Zionist Organisation, it is true, fully endorsed those general principles of respect for the interests of the Arabs and desire to aid to their welfare, but there was an extremist section among them which spoke with a different language. Even Dr. Weizmann himself, in an unhappy moment, had, (pag 169) declared that he hoped that Palestine would become “as Jewish, as England is English”.

    Dan is nog interessant de verklaring van het Britse kabinet, opgesteld door Churchill, over de preciese Britse bedoelingen, Command Paper No. 1700, June 1922.
    Bl 170.
    The nationality of all citizens of Paletine would be nothing else than “Palestinian’.

    De joodse bedoelingen evenwel mogen voor de lezer met het voordeel van achteraf weten, blijken uit de brief van The Zionist Organisation, London, 17th December 1925, aan Samuel, na z’n vertrek, ‘witnessed the completion of the first stage in the establishment of the Jewish National Home’, getekend Stein.

  7. Jan Jan

    Ter informatie:

    Het ‘Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland’ wordt geacht te zijn een Theocratie (Eeneonmiddellijke Godsregering). Het is ook een Democratie, met een Parlement.
    En wordt wat betreft het Democratie zelfs als voorbeeld en inspiratie gebruikt. India bijvoorbeeld.

    “What part of theocracy does this man not understand? – After the Archbishop of Canterbury, now England’s most senior judge, the Lord Chief Justice Lord Phillips, has given a green light to the growth of sharia law in Britain in family matters and the arbitration of disputes. It’s not really a surprise [[…]

    “The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained”


  8. Jan Jan

    Ter informatie:

    Critics of the Irgun have seen it as a terrorist organization. It was legally classified as such by the new State of Israel in 1948.

    The Irgun was a political predecessor to Israel’s right-wing Herut (or “Freedom”) party, which led to today’s Likud party.[4] Likud has led or been part of most Israeli governments since 1977.

    Israel, a country the size of New Jersey can only claim to the following

    . Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine

    . Israel holds the world record in the number of towns & villages it
    ethnically cleansed.500+

    . Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported.4
    million +

    . Israel holds the world record in the number of homes it demolished.60 thousand +

    . Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation. 500+ times

    . Israel is the country with the highest number of protective US Security council vetoes.100+ times

    . Israel has killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other
    country.50 thousand+

    . Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country.250 thousand+

    . Israel has rendered more innocent civilians handicapped per capita than any other country.50 thousand+

    . Israel has injured more innocent civilians per capita than any other
    country.200 thousand+

    . Israel has only two countries to defend its policies in the United
    Nations. These countries are America & Micronesia. The population for
    Micronesia as of June 2008 is only 108000

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that denies the right of return of

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that still occupies a whole other
    country & parts of two other countries

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly steals the water of its

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that has legalized home demolishing as a method of collective punishment

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that uproots trees as a method of
    collective punishment

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that deliberately targets civilian
    infrastructure and justifies it

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that legalized assassination

    . Israel stands unique in using human shields in military operations

    . Amongst all countries, Israel is the only one that has legalized torture

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that builds illegal settlements in
    occupied lands

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly jails activists without

    . According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel has created the highest number of checkpoints

    . According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel holds the world record in the number of curfew its installed on the Palestinians

    . Israel is the only country on Earth whose checkpoints deny women access to hospitals, they give birth alone and babies usually die

    . Israel is exceptional in being the only country on Earth whose checkpoints denies patients access to hospitals, and they end up dying

    . Israel is the only country on Earth whose checkpoints are where wedding parades come to an end

    . Israel is the only country on Earth who checkpoints school children,
    denies them access to school, and puts an end to their classes

    . Israel is one of two countries that, against International Law, use
    cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs. America is the other.what a surprise huh?

    . Israel holds the world record in the number of soldiers refusing to serve in the army

    . Israel despite being a rich country, receives the highest financial aid,
    more than the sum aid to all sub-Saharan Africa!

    . Israel claims its enemies want to wipe it off the map, but it has indeed wiped a whole country called Palestine off the map!

    . Israel is the county that has introduced nuclear weapons into the Middle
    East. But the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the
    nuclear non-proliferation treaty

    . After East Germany, Israel is the only country that is building a
    segregation wall

    . Second to South Africa, Israel is the only country to establish an
    apartheid regime

    . Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first iron gates on roads

    . Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first cities turned into jails
    with gates and opening hours

    . Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first apartheid walls

    . Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first electrified segregation

    . Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first ‘eyes specific’ rubber

    . Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first abortion efficient, infant
    killing tear gas

    . Israeli engineers developed the worlds’ first humiliation guaranteed human cages

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that has a political party that
    publicly advocates ethnic cleansing of native citizens (Palestinians)

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that still has racist laws that
    discriminate against native citizens (Palestinians)

    . Israel is the only country on Earth known to have a memorial dedicated to a terrorist where his followers gather and dance.

    Israel ranks amongst the top countries in lack of security llowers gather and dance

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that imprisons kids for political

    . Israel is the only country on Earth where you get a one month community service for intentionally, smashing the head of a child! How much more proof do people need to see that Israel is a terrorist nation?????! !!!!!!!!!\

    . Israel is the only country on Earth that does not hold its soldiers
    accountable for shooting peace activists in cold blood

    . No other country on Earth has towns and cities allocated exclusively for one ethnic group

    . The only country on Earth, where people live in homes stolen from living refugees is, Israel

    . The only place on Earth where people cultivate fields stolen from living refugees is, Israel

    . Israel has the highest number of towns built upon ethnically cleansed
    villages, whose former residents are living refugees

  9. Jan Jan

    Ter informatie:

    ‘”The March to Expel The Jewish Colonists On September 1 2011 the deadline for the commitments of the United States and other western countries to achieve peace and establish a Palestinian state alongside the jewish state, expires. This “peace process” is merely one more show in the theater which legitimizes the israeli genocide and war crimes in Palestine and lengthens the occupation under sham “peace negotiations”. It is a filthy game invented by the US zionists, israel and its western allies in order to lengthen the occupation in Palestine. Israel, the zionist organization which was established without legitimacy or legal basis in Palestine, has shown its bad will in making real peace with Palestinians for over 63 years. The conclusion after all these years is that israel ONLY understands the language of war, murder, theft, ethnic cleansing, of stealing the tax monies from US all other countries where zionist jews have settled.

    September 1 2011 is supposed to be the day of the Declaration of a Palestinian state and the end of the israeli occupation, not a further waiver or extension of the life of the zionist colonialism under the pretext of so called “peace negotiations”. Last year, on Friday September 24 2010, in Vienna, the member states of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA’s) 54th General Conference voted on a draft resolution introduced by the Arab States calling for israel to join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The United States urged other states members of the IAEA to vote down the Arab-sponsored draft resolution. “Symbolically it is important to vote down this non-binding resolution” said the US representative to the IAEA, claiming that the vote in favor of the resolution “could disrupt a broader effort to ban such weapons in the Middle East[…]’

  10. Jan Jan

    Ter informatie, digitaal petie onderschrijving mogelijk:

    “…International law is clear

    Uncertainty has nevertheless instilled on the « international nature » of these territories. Since Israel has annexed East Jerusalem and extended its national law to the Golan, some people consider that these territories are not international anymore. As to the West Bank, they describe it as “disputed territory”.

    However, such considerations have no relevance in international law. Since 1967, the United Nations Security Council, the International Court of Justice in The Hague, as well as all members of the international community, including the United States governments, have repeatedly stated that the lands captured during the Six-Day War do not belong to Israel.

    Another fact is also often neglected. All Israeli governments, including Netanyahu’s, have accepted Security Council resolutions 242, 338 and 1397, all of which establish that these territories were occupied in 1967 and do not belong to Israel.

    The most recent significant document is the « Road map » adopted in 2003. It indicates that the final agreement “puts an end to the occupation which began in 1967”. The Sharon administration opposed certain parts of this document but did not question this sentence.

    There are, admittedly, a handful of hawkish Israeli jurists who consider that these territories do not belong to the Palestinians nor to the Arabs. However, not even they ever claimed these territories fall under Israeli sovereignty according to international law.

    To sum up, claims regarding Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan have no legal basis, according to international law. Therefore, anyone, including Jews of the Diaspora, is free to publicly express their views on what is happening there.[…]

    Ter zijde:

    Raketaanvallen door Palestijnen op doelen in bezette gebieden, zijn niet op Israel gericht. Bezette gebieden zijn, o.a. aldus de regering van Netanyahu, geen Israel.

  11. Klaas Friezeman Klaas Friezeman

    Wij hebben in Zeeland een monument staan voor de man waarvan ik vermoed dat die de vijftig of zo miljoen doden van de tweede wereldoorlog op z’n geweten heeft in de voorlopig mislukte poging VS wereldheerschappij te vestigen.
    Klaus Fuchs is de man die dit voorkwam, door de USSR de atoombomspecificaties te leveren.
    Hij wordt beschreven als kinderlijk.
    Zie de auteurs Beard, Flynn, Bavendamm, en Glaser, allen Amerikanen.
    Daarbij vergeleken zijn Jabotinsky en Begin prutsers.

  12. Jan Jan

    Ter informatie:

    “JEWISH NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS —- Economics (28 prize winners, 42% of world total, 55% of US total)”

    Een “Nobel Prize’ for Economics is een hoax. Een vals bericht of nepbericht dat vaak via e-mail op het Internet wordt verspreid. Verspreiding op wijzen anderzijds, behoort to de mogelijkheden.
    Er bestaat helemaal geen Nobel Prijs voor Economie.

  13. Jan Jan

    Ter informatie:

    “…It’s those homemade bombs falling on Sderot, you see; they are such an overwhelming, ever-present, inescapable threat.
    So threatening, in fact, that some of the Israelis in this picture drove down to Sderot from Jerusalem to sit out in the open air – on a hilltop – in plain sight of the Gaza village from which many of the rockets have been launched, and calmly sip Pepsi as they watch the military action taking place not two miles away….”

    “…As Gazan hospitals and morgues fill beyond capacity because of an ongoing air assault that cruelly began at precisely the hour when countless children were heading home from school, we’re expected to believe that small craters mostly in empty Israeli fields constitute this terrible episode’s chief sin….”

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