“This book has been long in the making and it is no exaggeration to say that it was worth the wait. …Rationalists hold that human lives should be permeated by a pursuit of philosophical truth and that life should be led in accordance with such truth. Satisfactionalists hold that life should be led in ways that make them as fulfilling as possible, in terms of pleasure and felt satisfaction. (It should be noted that this is not to say that satisfactionalists must be crude hedonists; for a satisfactionalist, it is permissible for one to prefer some things — e.g., that peace finally settles in the Middle East — more than one prefers maximising one’s own satisfaction. Persson calls such preferences ideals.)” – uit een recensie van Ingmar Persson, The Retreat of Reason: A Dilemma in the Philosophy of Life
Wat is jouw advies? Raad je een rationalistisch leven of een satisfactionalistische aan?
Geredigeerd door Pascale Esveld
Leven, gewoon leven, das voor de meesten genoeg.
Namens Edmund Blackadder: "Verbal dribble of a heck on the logical dribble of a would-be philosopher!".
Ah, "semantic" in plaats van "logical" was meer tot the point geweest. Staircase wittisims …